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Week 8 Wednesday


Good morning my little cherubs. Hope we’re all bright eyed and bushy tailed ready for the day ahead?

Let’s have a look at what everyone has been up to…


Max B sent in his rounding work. Look at how well he did Year 3! Well done Max. Very proud!



Okay, thinking gears ready!


Look back at your plan that you did on Purple Mash.

I’ve set you a new task to help you write your new story about a walk through the woods.

You should now have 3 new fairy tale characters that your main character meets in the woods.

All you have to do is rewrite the part of the story where he meets characters in the woods.

The rest of the story can stay the exact same.

You might want to listen to Anthony Browne’s story again first.



Into the Forest

When writing your own story, try to use these sentence starters – make it interesting!

Early one morning

One Day,

On a cold, sunny bright day,

Just then,

First of all, I met,

Not  long after I saw,

It wasn’t long before I spotted,

Reluctantly, I knocked on the door,

Read your story aloud. You could film it and send it to a friend or family member, you could send it to me! Try to entertain your audience. Use different voices!



Head over to Reading Eggs or have a listen to 20 minutes of The Enchanted Wood

Enchanted Woods by Enid Blyton Audiobook


We’re going to carry on with rounding today.

Choose up to 99 nearest 10.

Don’t forget out rhyme!

1  2  3  4  the units stay the same as before

5  6  7  8  9 round up to the next ten on the line.


Too easy?

Up to 999 nearest 10!



Have you looked at buying some seeds and which plants you’re going to grow? Ready for our experiments? Let me know what you’ve bought!

Today. I would like you to go in to your garden or out for a walk and pick a flower. Just one.

You’re going to draw that flower as well as you can. Add colour, texture, shade. Try your absolute best. It may take you a long time to create the best drawing you can.

This YouTube video could help you when completing your observational drawing.


How to do an observational drawing of a flower for kids

I’d love to see your drawings!


Have a great day y’all!
