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Week 1 Day 3

Another day done!  Hope you have all done well with today's tasks, it would be lovely to receive a few more pictures of your work to see how you are getting on.  At the time of writing this message, I have had a lovely recount sent to me by Harriet about her trip to Lapland with her family, well done to her for including all of the order words!  The weather, thankfully is being kind to us in these strange times so hopefully you have all managed to get a bit of fresh air in your gardens too!  


I will be back online tomorrow morning ready for Day 4,


Keep washing those hands Year 1


Mrs E

Good Morning!  Welcome to Day 3!  Good luck with today's tasks.  Mathletics is all set, as well as that you are on halving numbers today too.  Like yesterday this can be done in your workbooks or verbally.  For Literacy when you are writing about your family event (more details on the weekly grid planner), remember the skills that we practice in class;

* fred-talk your words

* Capital letters and full stops

* read your sentences through once you have written them to be sure they make sense

* try to use order words - first, next, then, after that, finally


For phonics, try this link cFClg9GolxtO (I hope it works), it should take you to daily Read Write Inc. phonic sessions to help keep your child on track with their phonic learning.  If the link doesn't work, just do a search for Read Write Inc Phonics in You Tube and you should find the daily sessions that way.


Good luck today, I'm on my email if you need me!


Mrs E

Hi all, it’s Mrs Ball here! Hope you are enjoying this lovely sunshine! Last week we started to look at Maze Explorers on PurpleMash as part of our computer work. This involved learning how to use the direction keys and to complete the challenges within a maze. I know some of you started on your challenges and others were looking forward to having a go!

You could carry on with these challenges – I know lots of you enjoyed them! 


- Login into Purplemash and in the search box type 2GO.

- Click on the Tools & Games 2Go icon (the one with the bee).

- Click on challenges

Work your way through the challenges! Remember you have to click your direction arrow and then the number of squares you want to move.


If you have any queries or want to let me know how you got on you can email me at 
