There are four different types of sentences. These are statement, questions, command and exclamation. Each sentence type has their own rules regarding punctuation.
Statements end with a full stop. .
Questions need a question mark. ?
Commands can end with a full stop or an exclamation. . !
Exclamations end with exclamation marks. !
Take a look at the explanations below.
Have a look at these sentences. Can you identify the type of sentence it is?
Write each of the sentences below using a different colour for each sentence type.
For example;
Cars have 4 wheels. This sentence is a statement.
Can you pass me the butter please? This sentence is a question.
Put your chairs under your table. This sentence is a command.
What amazing children Year 2 are! This sentence is a exclamation.
How many statements did you find? _________
How many questions did you find? __________
How many commands did you find? _________
How many exclamations did you find? _______
Look through a reading book and find two examples of a;