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We are engineers!

We had the most amazing time this week when BAE Systems delivered a zoom lesson to our Year 2 class.  We had to predict what an engineer would look like and we all had our own ideas.  Then we looked at some of the amazing machines and technology BAE are involved in creating.  After we learned about all the amazing and exciting things engineers are involved in, we became engineers ourselves! 

First we had a challenge to try and create the tallest tower that we could but... we only had 3 pieces of paper and 1 metre of masking tape!  Take a look at some of our amazing towers, they were amazing.

After this, we watched a short tory about Rapunzel We had to be creative and find ways to rescue Rapunzel.  WE had a pack each with lolly sticks, paper, string, tape and pegs.  Look at our amazing designs and finished products.
