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Genius Geographers!

Year 3 became true geography detectives this afternoon as they were provided a question to solve - How has Bacup changed? A simple question, a not so simple answer! We were given 3 maps of Bacup - one from 1890, one from 1950 and one from 2020. As you can see, it prompted some great investigating as we peered over maps to see all the detail of what changed and what hasn't! Among other things, we found out that the 1950 map still had a railway track and stations - by 2020 there's no trace! On the 1890s map, there's lots of smithys and inns, gone by 1950. We found that Bacup grew over the 70 years between 1890 and 1950, but Weir in particular had huge expansion by 2020. What else do you think we discovered?
