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Music at Northern

Statement of Intent


At Northern, we aim to deliver a Music curriculum, which both engages and stimulates children through a range of fun, practical and engaging activities, experiences and lessons. Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity and we aim to give children a love of music and build their self-confidence through developing their ability to listen to, appraise, perform and compose a range of music with enthusiasm and skill. Staffs collaborate regularly to ensure:

  • Music is accessible to all.
  • Music is taught weekly in individual classes, meeting National Curriculum objectives following the resources provided by the Lancashire Music Hub and enhanced where appropriate using the Lancashire Plans.
  • Examples of children’s practical work are recorded half termly using the music video camera and stored on One Drive under the relevant year group.
  • Practical lessons are recorded through comments and pictures within each class Big Book.
  • Children are given the opportunity to sing together in a larger group during timetabled singing assemblies.
  • Children are taught how to listen for, identify and demonstrate different features of music at their appropriate level, such as pulse, rhythm, pitch, dynamics, style and so on.
  • Music is used to help deliver cross curricular targets and objectives (e.g. songs to help learn times tables in numeracy, songs to help learn SPAG strategies in Y6, learning the Sign2Sing song to raise awareness of the Rights of a Child (PSHE) and fundraise, learning songs relating to themes throughout the year (Internet Safety Day – Y1 – ‘Ask Your Grown Up’, Easter Songs, Anti-bullying songs etc).
  • Children are given the opportunity to learn to play an orchestral instrument (Wider Opportunities Programme, Y4/5).
  • Children collaborate and work together to incorporate the use of music into school performances (R, 1 & 2 at Christmas, Y3/4 Easter Play, Y5/6 End of Year Play, Y6 Leaver’s Assembly etc)
  • Opportunities are given for children to showcase their individual or group talents in music (E.g. Northern’s Got Talent).
  • Music is given a larger focus during special ‘theme weeks’ (every 2 years) where children can explore music in a range of different ways within their class, focusing on a particular area such as a chosen artist, style of music, instrument etc.
  • Children are given opportunities to experience live music being performed (e.g. The Lazy Monday’s band performs during Music Week, the Scout Band plays at the May Fair etc).

Early years Foundation Stage


In EYFS music is covered within the expressive arts and design area of learning.  Throughout the year children are given the opportunity to establish and develop initial skills in music through singing songs, playing and experimenting with simple untuned instruments, moving to music, making up their own songs and music and performing their music to others in a range of situations. 




In KS1 the children continue to develop and extend their musical knowledge and experiences established during their time in EYFS.  Key vocabulary in introduced such as tempo, pitch, rhythm and pulse and the children are encouraged to use the vocabulary in their discussions relating to the music they are listening to, performing, practicing and composing.  Music is taught in a way that allows them to experience a wide range of music styles and practitioners through listening to, appraising, performing and composing. 




In KS2 the children's musical skills and knowledge continue to build on their prior knowledge from KS1 using the same approaches (listening, appraising, performing, composing).  Vocabulary taught becomes more sophisticated and complex including ideas such as texture, tembre and structure and the children look further into the methods and ideas behind how to record music using informal and then formal notation.  

Wider Opportunities


Wider Opportunities is a programme experienced by our Year 4 and 5 pupils, giving these pupils an opportunity to play an instrument and experience making music in an ensemble.

The aims of this programme is to:

  • inspire and develop a performance orientated focus on music
  • develop the basic skills that underpin the learning of all forms of music
  • stimulate interest and ability in music through a broad range of repertoire appropriate to KS2 pupils
  • raise the profile of and increase the participation in curricular and extra curricular music
  •  support the professional development of primary school teachers

The benefits for pupils have been:

  • increased concentration, self discipline and self esteem
  • improvements in behaviour of the pupils engaged on the programmes
  • increased participation in music
  • pupils and parents make more informed choices about learning to play an instrument