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World Mental Health Day

As part of World Mental Health Day we had a circle time session where we talked about how we need to keep our minds as well as our bodies healthy and happy.  We talked about how we can help our bodies keep physically well and then also about how our minds need to be treated sometimes too.  We discussed how when our mental health is a little wobbly, it is usually because we are feeling sad or worried or scared about something.  We shared our ideas based on the following questions and were really respectful and kind when listening to each other and giving advice;


* What makes us happy? - friends, toys, family, walks, holidays, games.

* What makes us sad? - being alone, no one to play with, not being allowed to play out/ play on consoles etc, hometime!

* What can cheer us up? - a cuddle, friends, talking to a grown up, a treat, playing with friends, chocolate!

* What makes us angry? - someone not playing with us, not being allowed to play out/ play with technology, being ignored

* What can help us to calm down? - music, TV, talking to someone we trust, chill out zone
