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W/B 5th Oct 2020

Every day you can log onto your Mathletics and Reading Eggs accounts and complete a task on there.  If you have any problems email me and I can help! - Mrs E x



Today in class our focus is Literacy.  We are starting a new topic - Non-Chronological Reports and will be focusing on penguins to link with our animal topic.  What do you already know about penguins?  Tell your grown up.  Then watch the YouTube clip about penguins below and discuss what you know know.  Fill in the worksheet sheet below - just the first two columns today saying what you know about penguins and what you want find out.  Try to write in sentences.


This afternoon we are focusing on science.  Can you remember the 5 animal groups and tell your grown up a fact about each one?  (Amphibians, Reptiles, Mammals, Birds and Fish).  


Prove Me Wrong or Right! - look at these statements below. Can you tell your grown up an example why they are true or false?  Try to explain clearly.


* All elephants are old.

* All pigs are pink.

* All animals have 4 legs.

* Lions are always fierce.


Next, can you make a list of the body parts that ALL animals have e.g. eyes, a head, a body.  Be careful to make sure all animals have these parts, you couldn't put legs as a snake doesn't have legs does it?  How many things do all animals have in common?  Now can you design a new animal that has all of these body parts?  Draw a picture of it, colour it in and give it a name.


Have a good day and send me photographs of your work -


Mrs E laugh

March of the Penguins Official Trailer #1 - (2005) HD

March of the Penguins clip.



This morning our focus is on Maths. (To be updated)


This afternoon our focus is on PSHE.  Look at the story below called The Great Big Book of Families by Mary Hoffman on YouTube.  Talk about the story with your grown up.  Talk about who the special people are in your life and fill in the Special People Balloon on the worksheet below.


Have a lovely day and email me your work -


Mrs E x



The Great Big Book of Families

A book all about families and how different they can be.




In class this morning our focus is Literacy. First practice your sentence writing.  Ask your grown up to read you these sentences one at a time.  Say the sentence to yourself a few times so that you can 'hold it' in your head.  Once you can hold it, use your phonics skills to write the sentence out remembering Capital letters and full stops.


A cow is brown.

A hen is a bird.

The fish has gills.


Next look at the powerpoint below, get your grown up to read it through with you.  Use the information from the powerpoint to fill in the third column on your KWL worksheet from Monday's lesson - writing down things you have learned about penguins in sentences.  Try to write at least 2 sentences.

In our R.E. lesson today we are going to be further discussing how God is like a loving parent. We are going to watch a power point on praying and discuss why Christians be thankful for something, when they are worried about something, when they have done something wrong. Watch the powerpoint and on the prayer paper draw someone praying and what they might be praying about.

Have a lovely day,


Today we are doing P.E. first thing. Can you have a go at catching a ball? We will be trying to throw them into a hoop. Could you create your own targets to try and throw them into? There are many warm up activities online for you to have a go at...Joe Wicks is a good one to try.....

We are practising our number formation- have a go at the numbers to 9....

Today in maths we are adding two numbers. Start off with one digit numbers and write using both a + sign and = e.g. 5+6=11

Can you progress to a teen number adding a one digit number. 12+3=15

Can you use cubes etc to help you add them both together? 

This afternoon we are learning about the North Pole, South Pole and the equator. Have a go at labelling the globe. 




It is nearly the weekend! Today we are focusing on Literacy. We are going to complete a reading comprehension sheet. Have a go at completing one of the three levelled sheets. Read through the information together, the questions and then answer the questions. Does it tell you any extra information than you already knew? I hope you have enjoyed your week on learning about penguins. 





We are going to continue with measuring in the maths area today. Can you find two items and measure using non standard measures and/or a ruler?

Measure sheet


Topmarks has a great game to measure different objects too.

We are going to continue with our work on drawing animals. Have a go at copying one of these animals moving....

Moving animal pictures

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Dixon
