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Week 1 Day 5

Well, we have completed our very first week of remote learning!  It has certainly been the most unusual week and not at all how school and teaching is meant to be, however, we have all embraced it and worked our hardest to keep things on track for everyone and I would like to say well done to every single pupil and adult carer, who have approached the week with the same attitude as us - it's not what we are used to, but we will crack on and give it our best!  It has been lovely receiving the emails showing examples of the work that you have been doing at home and Mrs Dixon and I are proud of every one of you who has tried to keep their learning going at home.


I would like to say a big thank you to all of the key workers out there who are doing their best to support our country during these difficult times.  I know that Mrs Dixon and I and many others members of Northern Staff all clapped for the NSH outside our doors and windows at 8 o'clock last night and it was a lovely moment.  Did any of you join in?  



Shooting Star Award


Now, although we are not all in school this week, a lot of good learning has been happening both in our homes and in school.  Well done to the children who have completed tasks set online this week.  We would like to keep our weekly awards up and running and so we will now have "Virtual Shooting Star" every Friday!  


In Year 1, our Virtual Shooting Star of the week is Mac, for working hard at home and particularly for his excellent work with his Dad - he has built a wooden house which is fantastic!


A new weekly plan of activities will be put up on our page ready for Monday, but for now have a lovely weekend!


We miss you all,


Year 1 Team

Shooting Star Mac!

Good morning!  I hope Day 5 goes well for you all and you manage to do all of your tasks.  As a special treat if you do well today I will give you 2 days off how about that? He he he! Mathletics and spotting odd and even numbers for today - if you have chalk you could write odd and even numbers in groups on the ground, it doesn't have to be in your workbook, let's enjoy the sun while it is here!  Remember, any number that ends in 0 2 4 6 8 will be even.  You have a reading comprehension for Literacy, but if you have lost the worksheets or didn't get a learning book, do some of the test quizzes on reading eggs instead.  


Your topic work is a nice way of connecting with your family.  Maybe phone a family member that you can't visit or see at the moment, they would love to chat to you I am sure and then you can ask them all about family life when they were younger.  For all tasks, see the weekly grid for more details.  I believe Chester Zoo is doing live feeding sessions today too at different times, ask a grown up to Google it and I'm sure they will be able to find it.  My Olivia is looking forward to seeing the giraffes!


Good Luck!


Mrs E

Hello Year 1, this weather finally feels like spring! 

Can you design your own plants today on Purplemash?

- Login to PurpleMash

- In search type ‘POTS’

- Click on the Plant Pot icon.

- Click Launch App


Lets see who can design the most creative plants!
You can save your pictures – remember purple button at the top left of the screen with 3 lines. Click on MY WORKand give the file a name. Parents if you right click on the picture within their folder you can share the file and send me a copy of their picture


I can’t wait to see your designs! Mrs Ball
