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Tuesday 15th December



LO: I am learning to sequence a set of instructions.


Using your pictures or drawing from yesterday, put them in the correct order and say out loud the instruction to match with the picture. If you can try to write the sentence down. This will help you when we come to write out set of instructions on Wednesday.



LO: I am leaning to tell the time and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times.


Join us on Teams to learn how to tell the time to the hour or even the half an hour, as well as learning to draw the hands on a clock face. Use the clock inside you home learning pack to help if you don't have a real one available. Together as a class we will talk through the success criteria of telling the time and drawing the hands on a clock so that you can be successful when completing the telling the time activity.


If you login into your purple mash account, Mrs Holt has set some activities for you to complete. You can return these to Mrs Holt via Purple Mash. 


Please contact myself or Mrs Holt if you do not have your purple mash passwords. They should be inside your reading record. 


In R.E. you have been looking a Jesus being the light of the world and the Christmas story. Can you use the picture to put the story in the right order. To help you think about out nativity that we have been doing over the last few week.
