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Oral Health Campaign

This week as part of our PSHE work we have looked at how to keep our teeth healthy.  We followed lessons from the Colgate Oral Health Campaign and learned why we have teeth, how they can be damaged and how to look after and protect them.  We watched a short film about a little girl who didn't want to brush her teeth and followed her journey as she learned about how important her teeth were and how they need protecting from plaque to help avoid cavities and stinky breath!  We h=found out;

*We should brush our teeth for 2 minutes.

*We should brush our teeth twice a day.

*We should brush the tops, bottoms, insides, front and back of teeth and our tongue too!

*We should eat healthy foods and limit sugary snacks.


Everyone got to bring a free toothbrush, toothpaste and information leaflet home too!  Winner!
