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W/B 14th Sept 2020


Welcome to our second week of remote learning for those of you who are working from home. The class are working very hard and are enjoying being back...we can’t wait until we are a full class again! 

This week we completing some areas work on Roald Dahl. It was Roald Dahl’s birthday on Sunday 13th September and so we started to do some work based on his stories at the end of last week. Have you read any of his books? Have you watched any of his films? For your Literacy/ reading you could do a book/film review about your favourite one? Mine is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- I would’ve loved to have been able to go inside the factory....hopefully I would’ve made it to the end!


In the construction area we are also trying to make Lego items based on any of his stories...what can you come up with- I would love to see your pictures! We had lollipops, factories and even a rocket. 


Today we are counting in maths. Can you count in 2s? Can you follow on from different start numbers- 6, 3, 9, 2. 



In science today Mrs Egan is going to be continuing the work on animals. Your task is to cut out the animal pictures and sort however you wish... pets/not pets, where they are found, appearance...write the category names above each set. Discuss how humans are different to these animals. The last task is to compare animals by identifying different features. You will compare a real pig and Peppa Pig. 


I hope you have a good day,

Mrs Dixon 



We have lots to keep you busy today.... Literacy today have a go at writing the capital letters ABDEFG. 

Listen to the story The Perfect Present by Fiona Robertson. Discuss the author and what they think the story is going to be about. Discuss the characters feelings at different parts. Can they write a couple of sentences to describe what the story is about.

Art....Have a go at drawing and colouring using pencil crayons your self portrait. Use a mirror to help look carefully at each of your features. There is a short video on BBC Bitesize to show you what to do.


Have a go at completing some more of your Mathletics work. Can you reach 1000 points this week for a certificate? We are also using Topmarks in the maths area- can you match the number and the number name together?




Maths.....Today I would like you to focus on the place value of various numbers. How have these numbers been split up? How many tens and units? How would we split these up using Numicon in the classroom? Can you remember the colours?


PSHE...Talk about feelings. Can you list some different ones? Some are comfortable and some are uncomfortable. Can you show using your face the different ones? Draw around your hand. Write the names of people you can trust to talk to when you have wobbly feelings and write the wobbly feelings in the palm of your hand (angry, scared, worried etc) 


Literacy....I have set you a task on Reading eggs for comprehension today. Have a go and see how many eggs you can receive! 




We are nearly at the end of the week...who will be shooting star this week? Your tasks for today include practising writing capital letters H, I, J, K, L, M, N. Can they write them using different things- whiteboard, easel, in Paint, outside using a stick in mud, on the computer....any way you choose! Re read the story The perfect present- see Tuesday’s lesson above. Can you draw a story map showing little pictures for each stage of the story like below which was for Little Red Riding Hood.


Choose one or two of the pictures you have drawn to write sentences about what has happened. Don’t forget your capital letter and full stop! 


Today have a go at completing more of your Mathletics. Can you get to 1000 points to receive a certificate this week? 



Practise the seven continents song. Can you remember it off by heart? What are the seven continents in order?

Can you label and colour the map containing them. 



The end of the week. Well done if you have been working from home and keeping up with your work each day. I look forward to seeing you back in school next week. I would like you to complete the following sheets on counting forwards and backwards in 1s.


Literacy...I have added some more tasks to Readingeggs for you to complete. Could you have a go at creating a book front cover? It could be a book you have read on Readingeggs or one from home. Don’t forget to add your name as the illustrator!


R.E. We are looking at Christianity. Why do Christians believe God is our father? What qualities does your father/grandfather have that are good qualities for people to follow? Draw their picture and list some of their qualities. 







  Have a good day, Don’t forget to email with your work.

Mrs Dixon


