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Week 3 Thursday

The end of another day! I hope you are all OK and have managed with your home learning today. It's been lovely to get photos showing different things you have been busy doing. Have a look at the photos in our Week 3 section.

Enjoy the rest of the sunshine today, until tomorrow......goodbye!

Good morning Year 2, it's Thursday already! This week is flying by!


For your tasks today you have a Maths activity set as a 2do on Purple Mash and you could practise arrays using objects around your house. Some of you were really creative when you had a go before the Easter break. For Literacy you are going to write the middle part of your story; how is the problem solved? Read my middle part first and stop when your problem has been solved. Remember to use a wide range of adjectives to show how your characters are feeling. Don't forget your lesson allocated on Reading Eggs and I'm wondering how your junk farm vehicles are coming along. What have you decided to use for your wheels and axels?


Today's challenge: there are 5 plants growing in the plant pot, each plant has 6 leaves. How many leaves are there altogether?




Sorry! I forgot to upload the middle part of the story, well done to Toby for noticing!

Yesterday Lucas had the job of planting out our plants.
