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Tuesday 2nd February

Mrs Marr has declared a snow afternoon!

Mrs Ewens, Miss Nuttall and Mrs French would like you make amazing snow sculptures and have fun in the snow.  Email your pictures to

We will be then judging the best sculptures and designs.  Have fun Reception Class!



Today is a snow day. ☃️☃️I would love you to send me some pictures of you all enjoying the snow. See if you can create a snow sculpture and send your images in and we will award a certificate to a winner in our class .
Miss Nuttall
We look forward to receiving your pictures. 

Good morning Reception Class.  You all completed some fabulous work yesterday.  Don't forget to have a look at the learning page from yesterday to have a look at all your friends work too.


Todays phonics - 

See if you can write any sounds or words in the snow. 



Maths - 

I am learning to describe 2D shapes 

Using the geo board, children should make shapes using the elastic bands.  When children have made a shape ask them to count how many sides it has, how many corners and describe its features (eg 2 sides are the same length, I side is shorter etc)



I am learning to label. 

 (The powerpoint will be shared in the live lesson) 

Yesterday we learned about the African elephants.  Which other animals live in Kenya?  I would like you to research with a grown up and look at pictures of some of these animals.  Which is your favourite?  Do we have the same animals roaming wild in Bacup?  On one piece of paper I would like you to draw pictures and label the animals in Kenya and on another I would like you to draw and label the animals we find in the wild in Bacup.  What differences to you notice about them? 


PSHE - Mental Health Week 


Take a look at all the pictures from today's home learning.

Sensational Immy. Well Done 🌟🌟

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