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Remote Learning in Spring 1

How Your Child Will Access Remote Learning.

Should your child need to self-isolate but are not unwell, they are expected to complete learning at home. 

Please remember that this is an extension of the classroom and your child must complete all activities set to the very best of their ability. It is important that everyone puts in the same amount of effort as they would if we were altogether in class. I will look forward to receiving the work you complete should you need to be absent (hopefully this won’t be the case!) 

Your child’s work can be submitted over Teams, emailed to me directly or photographed and then emailed on to me. I will return any feedback via Teams or email depending on how you submit it to me. I will always try my best to respond to any emails or work as soon as I am able to. 

The government expects that your child will still be online for your normal school day so I will always expect to see your child on my live teaching sessions and sending in their completed work at the end of the session. 
