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1.2.21 Remote Learning


Last week we looked at the 'le' sound at the end of words, like table. This week we're going to flip it -

Check your PurpleMash 2Dos to practice these spellings, and don't mix up your angels with your angles! Angels have halos and wings, angles are a measurement between two lines!

Morning maths puzzle;

If you cut a square diagonally from corner to corner you get four right-angled isosceles triangles.


How many different shapes can you make by fitting the four triangles back together?

You may only fit long sides to long sides and short sides to short sides.


The whole length of the side must be joined.


This week we're starting debate texts, also called discussion texts. One of the basic ideas of this text type is it asks a question, then has reasons for and against it. For example, have a look at this clip which asks the question 'Should children wear uniforms?'

Each side has reasons why they are right and there's no definite right answer - if the answer is really easy, it isn't a good choice for a discussion text! We're going to start by looking at one of the greatest debates of all - chocolate. I want you to divide your page in half. In one half, we want...

Eating chocolate is enjoyable because...

And as many reasons as possible why people should eat chocolate.

In the other half, we want...

Eating chocolate can be bad for you because…

And as many reasons you can think of why they shouldn't. You can set out your reasons in short bullet points.

Today in maths we're looking at properties of lines - a line being the shortest distance between two places.

There's a lot of key vocab we need to know for this one - we'll start with 'parallel'.

These are all parallel - what that means is that if you took the world's longest ruler, and carried on drawing these pairs of lines forever, they would never, ever, ever touch.


Perpendicular - these are lines that do touch, at a right angle. It makes that L shape that you see in the corner of a rectangle or square.

If it doesn't touch and make a right angle, then it isn't perpendicular! Have a look at the clip below to find out more:


Horizontal and vertical look a little exactly like this:

Vertical lines go 'up', horizontal lines lie 'flat'. Vertical lines are always parallel to each other and perpendicular to a horizontal line, for horizonal lines - they always parallel to each other, perpendicular to vertical lines. 


Put your line knowledge to the test with the pdfs linked above!


Science this afternoon is going to be fossil-tastic, as well as a bit messy!

Have a look at this BBC Bitesize on how a dinosaur millions of years ago turns into a fossil;


On your PurpleMash 2Dos, can you sequence the stages of fossilisation?


We're also going to be making our own fossils using salt dough - see the video below for how to make salt dough and leave an impression like a fossil (the example makes their own dinosaur, if you've got a toy dinosaur that would work too!).


How do dinosaur fossils form? | Natural History Museum

Watch our animation to find out how fossils form and why dinosaur fossils are rare compared to those of marine animals. Explore fossilisation in more detail:...

Salt Dough Dino Fossils

I used household baking supplies and found materials outside to create this fun Dino Fossil. Enjoy
