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Week 5 Day 2

Well done everyone, another day done!  Two more days and we can have a long weekend!


Another super effort from many of you today, I have added lots of pics to the work gallery and fun times!  Special shout out to Leia, Elsie, Aimee, Brody N, Sam, Arthur, Zac and Harriet for sending me examples of the work they have been doing yes


Noah, Lexi-Mae, Harriet, Elsie, Aimee & Brody N have done all of their Mathletics tasks and are ready to have more set so well done to you!  There has also been some super Reading Eggs work from Brody N, Arthur, Lexi-Mae, Sam, Sophia, Elsie, Harriet and Zac!  


I'm super proud of everyone who is having a go and have loved reading your work about the rats!  I have seen some very neat handwriting and that makes me smile!


I have been busy helping my girls with fractions and putting lots of new ideas and things on our Rights Respecting Schools part of the website so if you can have a look!


Have a lovely evening everyone! See you tomorrow!


Mrs E x

Good morning everyone!


I hope you are all ready for another day, so many of you did so well yesterday!  I want to say a particular well done to Sam and Zac who have both completed all of the Year 1 Mathletics tasks now, both scoring 90-100% on every single one which is fantastic, well done boys! I hope to add more names to this special list soon and have set everyone who needed them 2 more tasks!  


Hopefully you will all be ok with the tasks set today.  Remember for the maths on BBC Bitesize you can be flexible, most of you should be able to complete the whole task easily but some of you might want to just do part of it and others might want to get a grown up to give you bigger numbers to work with to challenge you a bit more.  Both are fine to do as long as you are having a go at some maths every day.  yes


I hope you are finding the tasks about Children's Rights interesting, I thought they would be useful as they are about you and things that effect you.  I'm looking forward to seeing some more work linked to them over the next few days.  


Don't forget to do the daily tasks on the weekly overview and if you want to try out some of the other lessons on BBC Bitesize then feel free, but you don't have to  - that would just be an extra challenge if you were enjoying them.


Have a lovely day Year 1 - remember, if you are trying your best and doing what you can then I am really proud of you!


I'm here if you need me,


Mrs E x 

Hi Year one, hope your all ok this morning. I have really enjoyed looking at your tasks and challenges - you have produced some fantastic work!  


I have task for you today – just a bit of fun! I'm missing you all telling me jokes at school, so today can you write down and send me your best joke!


Here’s one from Ethan for you:


Question: What kind of sweets do school work? 

Answer: Smarties!!


This is one of my favourites:


Question: What do snowmen like to eat? 

Answer: Icebergers!!


Remember to use your Read Write Inc. sounds to make your sentence. You can send them to


Look forward to reading your jokes! Have a great day,

Mrs Ball laugh


