Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely half-term break and are all well.
We've certainly enjoyed the sunshine here over the last week, lots of fun outdoors and listening to the birds visiting our garden.
Have a look at our Caterpillars section. Yesterday we released the two butterflies (there's still one chrysalis). As soon as we put the net outside the butterflies opened their wings and looked as though they were loving the sunshine. It was wonderful to watch them fly round the garden. I will keep you updated on the remaining chrysalis.
Over the half-term break there was an issue with my email so you now need j.hill@northern.lancs.sch.uk to contact me.
Your tasks today are continuing with the topic on Birds in Literacy (look in the weekly overview section), Maths is grouping and sharing and Topic is finding out about a locality in South America (both on BBC Bitesize).
In our daily challenge number 12 and 24 have both passed 100 points! What will happen this half-term?
Today's challenge:
Don't forget to send your answer and pictures of your work to my updated email address.
Have a good day, looking forward to hearing from you all.
Mrs Hill