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Thursday 14th January

Good morning Reception Class.  

Today we will be continuing to learn about polar bears.  Your pictures yesterday were amazing and I loved how well you used your phonic sounds to label the parts of them.  Well done!


Phonics - 

Phonics will take place as it did yesterday and I have sent out the Teams times to you already.  Please log in to Oxford Owl using the user name - npsreception1 and password NPS1234.

Please read the book which was discussed yesterday prior to the session and then I will meet with you at the allocated time.

Handwriting practise - m, f, n, p, q, y

9.45 group - Practice all sounds.  Words to write - up, let, man, sun, hat, got

Green Group - Children to correct this sentence with capital letters, full stops and check spelling - will got a cub in teh bgi net

Red Group - Sun Hat Fun - Story 3 - This Cat - Children to write a sentence - This cat can bang a drum.


Maths - We will continue to look at teens numbers (and 11 and 12) today.  You have completed some great work on these.  Please complete the attached sheet.  If you don't have a printer then please complete on the screen and then parents can message me to let me know how you get on.

Topic/literacy - Watch the clip from yesterday again.  Today I would like you to draw a polar bear again in it's habitat and then write a sentence about it.  You could use one of the interesting facts which we learnt.  Please have a go at writing this yourself using the phonics sounds you know.

PSHE/topic - 

Activity 1: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Using the film A Whale’s Tale (link above) ask the children to make their own poster, like that of the child in the story, to warn people of the harm of rubbish in our oceans.  

They could also make a poster for beaches and coastlines asking people to take their rubbish home or recycle it. 

We enjoyed doing RWI in the snow this morning. See if you can make some sounds in the snow. Some more fantastic home learning pictures to ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ

Keep up the good work Zac ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ

Still image for this video