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Wednesday 6th January

 Today we are going to have a story about Jack Frost . Think about where the story takes place (setting), who the main character is and what happens (plot). You could then write a sentence about Jack Frost. Remember to use a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop.

In Maths we are going to continue to explore weight. Try the game below to find the hidden toy. The clue is that the toy is in the heaviest side of the balance or scales. How can you tell which side of the balance or scales is heaviest? What happens to the heaviest side? What happens to the lightest side. It's like being on a see-saw. 


Practise your counting to 10, matching amounts to numbers and ordering amounts using the ladybird counting game.

For Topic work today we are learning about the season of winter. What signs of winter have you seen outside? What is the weather like? How much daylight is there? How can we tell? What happens to the animals in winter? How do they find food? How do they keep warm? What special clothes do you wear in winter? Find some of your special winter clothes and write labels for them.
All the work from today’s home learners are in the slide show below. Thank you for engaging with the work. 

Fab work! Well done everyone! ⭐️
