Statement of Intent
At Northern, we aim to deliver a PSHE curriculum which both engages and stimulates children through fun and interesting stories, scenarios and lessons. This will equip them with the life skills necessary in order for them to grow into responsible and respectful members of society who make valuable contributions to the community and world around them. PSHE is an integral part to the school community and is intertwined with the majority of other subjects as it touches on so many different areas of learning and personal development. Progress is regularly monitored and children who need additional support in this area are helped in a variety of ways such as nurture groups, 1:1 support and buddy systems. Staff collaborate regularly to ensure the following:
Early Years Foundation Stage
In EYFS, PSHE and RSE are taught with the focus of wellbeing, focusing on helping the children to know who they are, where they fit in and how to feel good about themselves. These ideas are covered on an almost daily basis as part of the flexible and explorative curriculum approach alongside introducing and using our PSHE scheme SCARF which is provided by Coram Life Education. SCARF stands for SAFETY, CARING, ACHIEVEMENT, RESILIENCE and FRIENDSHIP. Lessons are taught in a fun and interactive way, often using the SCARF character Harold the Giraffe who follows them throughout school during their PSHE journey.
In KS1 the children begin to extend on the basic foundations set in EYFS. Using the SCARF scheme of work and Harold the Giraffe, the children will work through the following 6 topics during the year;
Autumn 1 - Me and My Relationships
Autumn 2 - Keeping Myself Safe
Spring 1 - Being My Best
Spring 2 - Valuing Difference
Summer 1 - Growing and Changing
Summer 2 - Rights and Responsibilities
Each topic is designed to provide the children with age appropriate lessons which aim to teach the children the skills they need to work and develop on in order to become well rounded, happy and healthy members of the adult world in a fun and easy to understand way.
In KS2 the children continue to build on the learning that they have done in KS1 with SCARF using the same half termly topics. The PSHE is a spiral curriculum which means that the children are constantly re-visiting their previous learning and then building on that to ensure that in each year they are consolidating and then building on their learning at the appropriate level and depth for their age and emotional ability.
Rights Respecting School and Eco School
At Northern, a lot of our teaching and learning within PSHE links to our Rights Respecting School and Eco Schools Awards (see specific pages on these awards for more detail). Where appropriate, children are made aware of which rights from the CRC link to their learning and discuss these and their relevance as part of their learning. Our Eco Schools award relates to a range of our PSHE lessons as it links to how pupils can contribute to their wider society and help to ensure they are thinking about and caring for the environment which directly effects themselves and their community, both local and global.