Welcome to Year Two. Myself and Mrs Rothwell are so excited about the year ahead. In Year Two, you will take part in some very exciting topics and will have the opportunity to learn lots of new things. We will share these experiences on our class page so make sure you log on regularly!
We will see you all very soon!
Mrs Ewens
Should you need to speak to myself for any reason then please feel free to email me at deputyhead@northern.lancs.sch.uk or Mrs Rothwell at jrothwell@northern.lancs.sch.uk
Northerns Got Talent
It was an amazing demonstration of talent in the class on Tuesday.
It was so difficult to choose who was going through to the Grand Finals in front of the whole school but after great deliberation we did. The finalists are Samuel and Dontay, Ellie and Olivia Ac and thirdly Ruby.
What was wonderful to see was the absolute delight of all the children, not the winners but the whole class. We are so lucky to have such a caring class.
Well the day did get better!
We sat on the banking on the field and were entertained by a Punch and Judy show whilst eating cool refreshing ice pops. It was so rewarding seeing the children belly laughing at this traditional seaside show. Considering at the beginning of the half term the main question that the children wanted answering was "can we learn more about Punch and Judy?" I think that the brief was definitely fulfilled. Tomorrow will seem a little quiet in comparison.
If we can't go to the seaside the seaside will come to us!
Thursday we experienced a Victorian day at the seside through a very knowledgable and engaging historian. He brought all sorts of props from the era and we became Victorian.We didn't want to go to Victorian school where they got caned ! He told us the story of the cotton mills, the mill owners holidays and the workers holidays. Olivia made a very stern guest house landlady. Pippa and Oliver had a dip into the swimsuits of the era. Lunch was a picnic outside followed by a little trip to the ice-cream van. Yum Yum! Could the day get any better.
Well the weather may have been miserable but Year 2 certainly were not!
Sports Day was amazing with such feats of athleticism demonstrated. We had four different events- running, egg and spoon, distance throwing and accuracy throwing. Everybody gave their best putting energy in and supporting their friends. All the staff commented on how well behaved year 2 were. Super proud of each and every one of you. The parents went home feeling like they had been involved in a special occasion.
We used the school field as our canvas and the natural resources as our paint! The children collaborated in pairs to create some magnificent art pieces. Look how proud they are of their work.
Summer 2
This half term is full of action packed activities. We have Sports Day which is finally going to include spectators which will make it so special for the children. Please do not worry if you can't come as there will be plenty of people to cheer them on! We also have our Northern's Got Talent which will be really exciting for the children. Auditions will be in the classrooms and 2 acts will go through to the grand final in front of the whole school with a specially selected panel of judges.
The topic for this half terms learning is "What was it like at the seaside in the past? This will include history and science (materials) and if anyone has any seaside themed memorabilia that they do not mind sending to school that would be fantastic.
As usual, please do not hesitate to either email or call school if you have any questions.. A quick chat can usually sort out any issues! jrothwell@northern.lancs.sch.uk
The first half of the Summer term is going to be as jam packed full of learning as all the others! In Literacy we will link all of our writing to Aladdin and we can't wait to read all of the story. Our topic this half term will be 'Which animals live in our environment?' Take a look at our termly curriculum overview to see what we will be learning in each subject. We will also complete our SATs this half term and an overview of this has been sent out to each parent.
As always, if you have any questions then please don't hesitate to contact either Mrs Ewens at deputyhead@northern.lancs.sch.uk or Mrs Rothwell at j.rothwell@northern.lancs.sch.uk
Today the 1st of December, we had a certain little naughty visitor in our classroom! Can you guess who it was?
Our learning in Autumn 2