Monday 12th April 2021
Good morning,
Due to flooding in the Year 6 and 5 classrooms, remote learning will be taking place today. Work is set on Teams. There will be no live lessons.
Remote Learning
Remote learning will be conducted through the Microsoft Teams platform. Please check your Teams page to find out about learning for today.
Looking Back At Year 5 2019 - 2020
Friday 17th July 2020
Hello everyone,
Today is the last day of Year 5 and the end of what has been a very unusual year. It is a shame that we couldn't say goodbye in the usual ways but you have all been fantastic in these difficult circumstances. Thank you for all the hard work you have put in during Year 5, both in school and at home in lockdown. It has been a pleasure teaching you all. I look forward to seeing you all again in September when you will be in Year 6! Have a wonderful summer and enjoy a well deserved break. Take care, stay safe, have lots of fun and I will see you all soon!
Wednesday 15th July 2020
Good morning,
We are half way through the last week of the school year! Unfortunately the weather is still damp and gloomy! Your work for today has been uploaded to Purple Mash and is in the 2Do sections. Have a great Wednesday!
Tuesday 14th July 2020
Good morning,
Work for today is again on Purple Mash. The activities have been listed in the 2Do section. On the class page there are maths activities for this week as well as Moving Up activities which can do. Have a great Tuesday everyone!
Monday 13th July 2020
Good morning,
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and are ready for the last week of remote learning! I can't believe that we are starting our final week in Year 5! Work for today is listed below. The English work this week is on Purple Mash. There will be links on Purple Mash in the 2Do section. Have a great Monday!
Friday 10th July 2020
Good morning,
We have reached the end of another week. This time next week it will be the last day of this school year! The weather is still as gloomy as it has been for some time now! Hopefully it will fine up for this weekend. Hope you all have a great Friday!
Although we are not all in school this week, a lot of good learning has been happening both in our homes and at school. Well done to all children who have completed tasks set online this week. We would like to keep our weekly awards up and running and so we will now have "Virtual Shooting Star" every Friday!
Our shooting star this week is Tyler H for his fantastic work over the past few weeks. Well done Tyler!
Wednesday 8th July 2020
Good morning,
We are half way through the week and it it still looking nothing at all like July! Another gloomy start to the day but it should fine up later and give us a break from the rain. Work is all listed below, I look forward to hearing from you. Have a great day!
Monday 6th July 2020
Good morning,
I hope you have all had a nice weekend. This week our learning is based around Pixar films in English. There are lots of good videos to watch and respond to. Our topic will focus around transition activities as we approach the end of Year 5 and are looking towards moving into Year 6. All the links and resources are listed below. Have a good day.
Friday 3rd July 2020
Good morning,
We have reached another Friday and it looks like being a wet end to the week! Hopefully we can get some sunshine to enjoy over the weekend. Have a great day and I will announce the Virtual Star of the Week this afternoon.
Although we are not all in school this week, a lot of good learning has been happening both in our homes and at school. Well done to all children who have completed tasks set online this week. We would like to keep our weekly awards up and running and so we will now have "Virtual Shooting Star" every Friday!
Our shooting star this week is Harry for his fantastic work over the past few weeks. Well done Harry!
Wednesday 1st July 2020
Good morning,
Today is the first day of July! Although you wouldn't think it looking at the weather! Hopefully it clears up a little later on. As it is Wednesday we are also half way through the week! Work for today is all listed below. Have a good day!
Tuesday 30th June 2020
Good morning,
Another dark, wet and gloomy start to the start to the day. Hopefully it will fine up later on. Today is the last day of June and is also the 100th day in which we have been in lockdown! Purple Mash is now back up and running properly so you will be able to use this again now. Have a great Tuesday!
Monday 29th June 2020
Good morning,
I hope you have all had a good weekend. It looks like being another damp week again as we arrive in July this week! This week our English learning continues around the theme of Space and in topic we will be doing work on dragons! There may be some problems this week using Purple Mash but hopefully this will get sorted. If you can't get onto it then use something else. Have a great Monday!
Friday 26th June 2020
Good morning,
We have made it to the end of another week! The sun seems to have gone away again unfortunately! There is another big storm due later on today! Remember that today is the Burnley College Virtual Science and Technology Festival. The information is further down the page so why not check this out! Have a great Friday!
Although we are not all in school this week, a lot of good learning has been happening both in our homes and at school. Well done to all children who have completed tasks set online this week. We would like to keep our weekly awards up and running and so we will now have "Virtual Shooting Star" every Friday!
Our shooting star this week is Phoebie for her fantastic work over the past few weeks. Well done Phoebie!
Wednesday 24th June 2020
Good morning,
It looks like being a lovely day, nice and warm with lots of sun! Work is listed below for today. Have a great Wednesday and I will speak with you later!
Monday 22nd June 2020
Good morning,
I hope you have all had a nice weekend. The weather forecast looks really good for this week so hopefully we will be getting plenty of sun in the next few days! Our topic this week in English is all about Space and the Solar System. In topic our work is focusing on castles! All the resources are listed below.
On Friday there is a virtual science and technology fair being hosted by Burnley College. Information and links are further down the page. Why not check out some of the activities? Have a good Monday!
VIRTUAL Science & Technology Festival’ - Friday 26 June, 10am – 3pm. |
Now in its 5th year, The Burnley College Science and Technology Festival has gone online, and we’re inviting YOU to join in. With no boundaries to limit us, we’re extending our event across UK schools in the hope that we can inspire the next generation of children to develop their interest in science. Whether you’re back in the classroom – or have pupils still home-schooling – we’re posting a wide range of free experiments, challenges and activities for you to share with your pupils and get involved in… |
Kick back and let our Science Takeover educate and entertain your pupils in the amazing universe of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths during Friday 26 June – 10am – 3pm. No need for any specialist equipment, our Science Takeover can all be done from home or from the classroom! All you need to do is drop in on our packed schedule of live and pre-recorded activities through our webpage. |
Here is the full schedule of all our activities to plan out your day in advance. Take a look at what you are interested in, and the resources you’ll need. Please note, the schedule will be updated with links to videos, activities and worksheets on our website on 26 June. You can also download a generic worksheet that can be used for all the activities and for pupils to record their work. Don’t forget to share your photographs with us (please note by doing so you are giving us permission to use them) and the rest of the Burnley College Science & Technology Festival! Remember to share this email with parents who are home-schooling, so they can get involved. We can’t wait to see how you get on! |
Friday 19th June 2020
Although we are not all in school this week, a lot of good learning has been happening both in our homes and at school. Well done to all children who have completed tasks set online this week. We would like to keep our weekly awards up and running and so we will now have "Virtual Shooting Star" every Friday!
Our shooting star this week is Mason for his fantastic work over the past few weeks. He has been producing some fantastic posters as well as creating brilliant videos! Well done Mason!
Reminder to Year 5 parents
If you would like to register your child for the BRGS entrance examination you can do so via their website:
Registrations have to be submitted by 12 noon on Tuesday 23rd June 2020 at the latest.
Summer Reading Challenge
This year Lancashire's Libraries will be inviting children to get silly for the Summer Reading Challenge. The Summer Reading Challenge will give you the chance to sign up and take part online, with the special website! The Challenge website will be free to access and a place for you to rate and review books and work towards your reading goal. It will also feature video content, games, quizzes, and digital and downloadable activities to complete at home. The Library service will also be providing loads of fun free things to do including book quizzes, a reading group, and an online Lego club!
The theme of the Challenge for this year is Silly Squad, and we want to celebrate funny and silly stories all summer long! From David Walliams to Roald Dahl, and Jacqueline Wilson to Jeff Kinney, there are thousands of hilarious books for you to read, and we can't wait to hear about them!
The Summer Reading Challenge Silly Squad website is now live for you to sign up on, and we in Lancashire will be launching the challenge on Saturday 27th June, so keep an eye on our social media and website for more information!
Twitter: @lancspublib
Facebook: @lancslibraries
Thursday 18th June 2020
Good Morning,
Another dark and gloomy day which looks like being rainy again! The Duchess of Cambridge is holding a virtual online assembly at 11am. I have posted the link below so that you can watch this if you like. Have a great day!
The assembly will be live on the Oak National Academy website at 11am on Thursday 18 June and can be accessed here:
Wednesday 17th June 2020
Good morning,
Another gloomy day again! It seems like all the time nowadays! There was another good storm last night and there may evven be another one again today! We are half way through the week now though! There has been some great work done already this week, I shall upload this later so keep your eye open! There is also information above about a summer reading challenge! Make sure to check out the website above for further details! Have a great Wednesday!
Tuesday 16th June 2020
Good morning,
It looks like being a very foggy Tuesday! Yesterday's thunderstorm was good too watch! There was lots of heavy rain and large forks of lightning! Work for today is listed below. Have a great day!
Monday 15th June 2020
Good morning,
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. This week we are continuing to look at World War 2 in English and our topic is all about bees! Resources have all been uploaded below. Have a great day!
Friday 12th June 2020
Good morning Year 5! Looks like another day of gloomy weather but it is Friday and nearly time to enjoy your weekend after all your hard work during the week!
Remember to check back this afternoon to see who our winner is this week for Virtual Shooting Star!
Have a wonderful day and I will look forward to speaking to you all soon!
Good afternoon
Although we are not all in school this week, a lot of good learning has been happening in our homes and at school. Well done to all children who have completed tasks set online this week. We would like to keep our weekly awards up and running and so we will now have "Virtual Shooting Star" every Friday! This week our Virtual Shooting Star of the week is Maizie! Maizie has created some fantastic art work this week! Well done Maizie! ⭐️
Well done to everyone for all of this weeks hard work. Enjoy your weekend whatever you may be doing and I shall speak to you all on Monday!
Thursday 11th June 2020
Good morning Year 5! The weather is looking a bit dark and gloomy at the moment but hopefully as the day goes on it will brighten up. I hope your all ok and raring to go for another day's learning! You are all doing fantastic so make sure you keep up the hard work! Send in your work and it can be uploaded on to the webpage for everyone to see how brilliant you all are!
Enjoy your day and I shall look forward to hearing from you all!
Wednesday 10th June 2020
Good morning Year 5!
We are already half way through another week! The weather so far isn't looking to bad either.
Well done to all those who sent in fantastic work yesterday. Prince Philip is celebrating his 99th birthday today! - How have you been celebrating your birthday's in lockdown?
Enjoy your day and I will look forward to hearing from you all.
Tuesday 9th June 2020
Good morning Year 5!
I hope you are all well and ready for another day's learning! I have my fingers crossed that the sun will make an appearance at some point in the day.
I will look forward to seeing what work you come up with today. Speak soon.
Mrs French
Monday 8th June 2020
Good morning,
I hope you have all had an enjoyable weekend. This week we our looking at World War 2 in our English work and out topic work is based on being green which links with plants. All the resources for this week are below. The competition which was mentioned last week begins today. There has been lots in the news recently about the Black Lives Matter campaign and this is what the competition focuses upon. Details for this are linked below through Picture News. Have a great day!
Friday 5th June 2020
Good morning,
It has only been a four day week but it seems to have flown by and we have arrived at Friday and it is almost weekend! It is a shame that the weather hasn't flown away! Check out who is our virtual Shooting Star this afternoon and there also be some news about a challenge that will be running next week! Hope you all have a fantastic Friday!
Good afternoon,
Although we are not all in school this week, a lot of good learning has been happening both in our homes and at school. Well done to all children who have completed tasks set online this week. We would like to keep our weekly awards up and running and so we will now have "Virtual Shooting Star" every Friday! This week, our Virtual Shooting Star of the week is Freya! Freya has done some amazing work this week and produced a brilliant poster for World Environment Day. Well done Freya!
Next week, we will be launching a special challenge that is for children in KS2. Watch out for more information on this Monday!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I will see you next week!
Thursday 4th June 2020
Good morning,
It looks like being a second dark and gloomy day in a row! Our work for today is based around famous scientists and their achievements. The activities are listed below. Have a lovely day and I look forward to seeing what you discover!
Wednesday 3rd June 2020
Good morning,
What a wet and dreary June morning it is! I had forgotten what this weather was like. It seems so long since we have had any rain. This will be much needed for the plants and trees. It also saves me the job of having to water the garden and stops me from getting sunburned again! Thank you for the work completed yesterday. It was great to catch up with you and se your learning! Work for today is all online. Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Tuesday 2nd June 2020
Good morning everyone,
It is Mr Syers! I am now back and available for you to send your work and answer any questions you have. I hope you have all had an enjoyable half term break. I look forward to hearing and seeing what you have been getting up to!
This week, we have some new topics. In English we are looking at Health and Hygiene Heroes and in topic we will be looking at Houses! All the resources for this week are found below. I shall be adding some 2Dos onto Purple Mash and Mathletics as well. I hope you all have a great day!
Friday 22nd May
Good morning Year 5!
We have made it to the last day of term and it is finally our Joy of Moving Festival so you get to take part in lots of fun activities with your family. Remember to take lots of pictures and let me know who the winner was in your house!
Don't forget to come back at the end of the school day to find out who our winner of Virtual Shooting Star is this week!
Enjoy your day and I will look forward to seeing your pictures.
Mrs French
Good afternoon Year 5!
Although we are not all in school this week, a lot of good learning has been happening both in our homes and at school. Well done to all children who have completed tasks set online this week. We would like to keep our weekly awards up and running and so we will now have "Virtual Shooting Star" every Friday!
In Year 5, our Virtual Shooting Star of the week is Tobias! Tobias impressed me with his fantastic computer skills when he created a video for the NHS competition. I have posted the video below. Well done Tobias!
Well done to everyone for all of their hard work over the last few weeks. Remote learning tasks will be back Tuesday 2nd June. Hope you all have a wonderful half term break and have lots of fun whatever you are doing!
Mrs French
Dear year 5 parents
If you are considering the possibility of your son or daughter moving on to high school at Bacup & Rawtenstall Grammar School (BRGS), now is the time to act. Our entrance examination is scheduled for Saturday, September 12th 2020, provided we are out of the current lockdown and social distancing allows it.
In order for your child to sit the entrance examination you first have to register them with us. You are able to do this now by visiting our web-site and using the “Register” button. Our web-site is, and if you click on “About Us” and then “Admissions” you will find the correct page. The following link will take you directly there:
On the admissions page you can read the essential information you need about applying to BRGS – you can download our guide to admissions - “the blue book”, along with parents guides, sample papers and watch our open evening information video.
All registrations have to be completed by 12 noon on Tuesday 23rd June 2020. The registration system will be locked at this point and school will not accept any registrations after this time.
We don’t know whether we will be able to have an open evening this term. If not, we are looking at the possibility of having one in late September/early October. Obviously, this will be after your child has sat the entrance examination, but it will give you the chance to see the school for yourself.
If there is anything to do with the registration process or the entrance examination you would like more information about, please get in touch with us at
Many thanks
Paul Reeves
Deputy Headteacher
Sing Up Song Of The Week
Sing Up is producing a song a week for us all to learn to help bring us closer. We thought it would be a great idea if children could learn the same song each week and then all sing it at 3pm each Friday. This is a great way to help us all feel 'in it together'.
Here is the link Practice it daily and then sing your hearts out each Friday at 3pm.
Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning
At this point of the year some Year 5 parents will be starting to think about whether the Grammar school test is worthwhile for their child. The test is a different format and experience to work covered in primary schools; it partly takes the format of non-verbal reasoning. Non-verbal reasoning is a test that involves the ability to understand, interpret and analyse visual data and solve accompanying problems.
To help you become familiar follow these links for example activities that you and your child can work through.
Non-verbal reasoning
Verbal reasoning
Useful Websites for Home Learning
Here is a list of websites which can be used to support children's learning at home. There are a variety of activities, resources and ideas on these. Due to the high volume of traffic being experienced on educational websites, some of these may not work at current times. If this occurs, try a different website or try again at another time. Please feel free to use any other websites which you think are suitable.