Good morning!! It’s Friday- yippee!! Last day before Easter. Well done for everyone who sent work yesterday- the pictures wouldn’t load last night so Ill try and put on now. Wally was at Bacup cricket club yesterday- well done to those who guessed correctly. Zac’s grandad is also playing along and has sent some pictures of old Bacup that Zac had to find. I have put them on the page too. He has shared the fact that Elgin Street is the shortest in the world..unfortunately after 2008 when a street in Scotland took the title, it is now second. An amazing fact I didn’t know!
Today’s learning is to complete more change activities and write different sentences. Can you do more independently today or at a higher level than yesterday? Enjoy your postcard work. My boys wrote to both grandparents last week who loved them ad have written back! Have a go in the afternoon completing your ICT tasks.
Challenge of the day- The Easter bunny buys paint for the eggs. 14p change. What is the smallest number of coins she could have paid with and what are they? Can you do the largest number?
Where am I today?
Shooting star of the day......HARRIET
Harriet has sent in super work everyday. She has played along all week with Where’s Wally and has sent me a picture yesterday that I couldn’t guess where she was! I look forward to hearing where she was though as it looks like another walk I might have to do!
Have a lovely day everyone......
Hi Year 1 – its nearly Easter! Here’s a little Easter card for you all….
Today could you make someone in your family a special Easter card? You are all really good at drawing and coming up with fantastic ideas. I’ve attached a file with a couple of card templates if you want to colour them in – or why not design your own? I would love to see your ideas!
Have a lovely day and HAPPY EASTER! Mrs Ball
Wow we’ve made it!!! You have worked so hard from home you can now have two weeks off!! Enjoy your Easter holiday. Lots to do....
If you would like to decorate either a real egg, egg carton or an egg made of card or paper for Easter I would very much like to see your results. Mrs Marr has put several challenges for you to do on the main page if you are stuck for something to do. Fingers crossed the weather is meant to get better so we can all try and spend more time in the garden.
I will add your work for today to the folder for this week and the places you have all had you picture taken..I was at the memorial in Bacup centre today.
Goodbye for now
Mrs Dixon
Well done everybody! I have been keeping an eye on our webpage this week and it has been lovely to see more and more of you joining in with our online learning! It has been my Izzy's birthday today, she is 11, so we have had an exciting time and lots of cake! It was a very different birthday to the one that she expected but she has had lovely day even so.
I hope you all have a lovely and safe Easter and I will be back online with more ideas and tasks for the first week back - unless things dramatically change!
Happy Easter - Mrs Egan x