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Rights Respecting Schools Award

During the next few months, School Council will be helping Mrs Egan with a very important task.  They are working hard with us and the rest of the school towards gaining an award from Unicef called the Rights Respecting Schools Award.  This involves working with Unicef to look at children's rights both here and around the world, and making sure that Northern is always focused on making sure our pupils rights are at the focus of everything that we do.  We will also be striving to help support other children who might not be part of our school community, ensuring that their rights are respected and provided for too whenever we can through charity work such as Red Nose Day which will be on Friday 15th March and will support lots of charities.


For more information on RRSA, please click on the link below.

As of January 2018 we have officially earned the Bronze Rights Respecting Schools Award.  As a school we are now continuing on our mission to strive towards gaining the Silver Award and further developing our understanding of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child and how we can ensure everything we do as members of the school can link back to ensuring that children everywhere are having their rights honored. 