Home Page


Homework in Year 1 consists mainly of reading as it is the key focus for the year group.  Learning to read is essential and impacts almost every other area of the curriculum throughout a child's educational journey both here at Northern and beyond.  Due to this we ask that you please listen to your child read as often as possible at home to support and consolidate what we do in school. Reading at home really makes a big difference to a child's reading development which is why little and often is the best approach.  5-10 mins at a time, at least 3 times a week is ideal. Ask your child to read different pages, re-read pages to build fluency, find specific words or explain what is happening in the story.  All of these things help massively.  


Further on into the year, usually after Christmas we will start to give your child simple spellings to learn and be informally tested on.  These will be linked to their Read Write Inc. levels and will therefore be appropriate for every different ability.  Supporting your child to learn these 5 weekly spellings will be greatly appreciate.


Many thanks,


Year 1 Team

Our fabulous work!
