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Pantasaurus and Speak Out, Stay Safe!

In class today we have been looking at the PANTS rules, as explained by a lovely character called Pantasaurus!  As part of out PSHE lessons, it is important that in Year 1 we know that 'what's in our pants' is private so we have been looking at the rules about our private parts in a fun and relaxed way.  Pantasaurus taught us a song to help us to remember his simple rules to keep us safe.  We also talked about the correct biological terminology for boy and girl private parts and all had a bit of a giggle about some of the nicknames that we use for them.  The children found it very funny when I told them that some grown ups are too shy to use the real words - how silly!  Some of the children enjoyed the lesson and liked the character Pantasaurus so much that they chose to make their own picture of him during choosing time!  


Have a look below at the PANTS rules below for more details and there is also a link to the song - although it will get stuck in your head for an hour or two if you are not careful!  

Look at out Pantasauruses!

NSPCC Speak out, Stay Safe Assembly

We watched an important assembly this week from the NSPCC which helped us to understand how to make sure we keep safe and happy. We learned that we should always talk to an adult that we trust and that it is not OK to feel unsafe.  