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Summer 2 week 5 Thursday

How have we reached the end of Thursday already? It has been a cold day today...I can't believe it's July! We have done such a lot of work in school today-have a look at the gallery! Thank you to those who have sent me their work. Have a lovely evening,

Auf wiedersehen,

Mrs Dixon  

Good morning everyone. I am in school again today, getting used to a new classroom and a new system of doing things! I am so proud of how those who are in school have settled back in. đŸ˜€ Today we have some more meerkat work in Literacy writing feelings, counting money in maths and also German! I look forward to seeing your work! 

Challenge of the day...,Mrs Marr has asked all the school if we can complete a drawing task for her. I thought it would be a lovely idea for us to do as our challenge of the day. I would like you to draw a picture of yourself on A4 paper with your head at the top and feet at the bottom with your arms out to either side. They will all be joined together so it looks like everyone is holding hands! The actual picture would be great so if you could pop your name on and either drop off at school or post it either to myself or Mrs Marr. I will be joining in so I’ll upload tomorrow! 
