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Friday 8th January

Happy birthday Frankie. 5 Today ! laugh We hope you have a lovely day.


Today we would like you all to watch this animation. What is it like at the Artic? What animals live there? Who shows Tammy around? How do they travel? Does Tammy really go to the Artic? Next you could play the matching pairs game. You may need some help reading the words.


 We would also like you to practise throwing and catching a ball. Try throwing and catching a ball on your own and with a partner. If it is too easy move further away from your partner. If it is too difficult move closer to your partner. If you haven't got a ball is there something else that you could use? 

In Maths practise writing numbers. How far can you go? Try writing the numbers to 10, 20 or beyond. Be careful to get your numbers the right way round. Try the Maths games below where you have to count forwards and backwards. Join in with the counting songs.

Great counting from Violet ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Well done Immy ๐ŸŒŸ

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Still image for this video