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Each week, your child is expected to read their school book 3 times a week

Your child can access their Reading Eggs account and complete stages on their map journey.

Additionally, with the timetable test this year, your child can log in to their Timetable Rockstar Account daily to complete 10 minute exercises of their choice.


Homework Project

This half term, our topic question is 'Who is the greatest hunter?'. In class, we will be studying Anglo-Saxon and Scot Britain in History alongside Living Things and Their Habitats in Science and Recipes in Design Technology. 

For you homework this half term, you could answer any or all of these questions;

  • Can you create and follow a recipe for a healthy pudding for after your dinner?
  • Can you design a biography for King Alfred the Great or St Hilda of Whitby?
  • Can you build a Bug Hotel in your local community?
  • Can you produce a poster all about your favourite animal?


You can answer these questions and present them in a leaflet, on a PowerPoint Presentation, as a piece of writing, as a model with writing, the list is endless! You choose! Can't wait to see these finished pieces and give out Dojo points!
