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Monday 22nd February

Good morning Reception Class, I hope that you have all had a brilliant half term.  This we will be looking at the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  

Here is your learning for today - 

Maths - 


I am learning to identify and order the days of the week.   

Watch the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar -  

  We are going to be learning the days of the week, just like in the story. Can you tell a grown up the days of the week in the correct order? 



I am learning to retell a story in sequence. 

Today you are going to create your own puppet show where you perform the story to an audience.  Draw the caterpillar and the fruits and act out the story.  Can you remember the order they came in?  If you have a printer you could print them off the document attached.  Maybe you could send a video to us! 

