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Thursday 28th January

Happy Birthday Mummy. Love Scarlett ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ‚

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Good morning Reception Class.  We are coming to the end of another week learning from home and we are so proud of how hard you are working.

Phonics for today - 

Nip and Chip – Read all of the book (including red and green story words and then ask children to fix this sentence adding capital letters, full stops and correcting spellings. 

teh ship hit a BBig croc 

Letters to practice – y, j, r, s, a, b 

Mud -  

Comprehension questions -  


Letters to practice – y, j, r, s, a, b 


Hold a sentence - Remember capital letter, finger spaces and full stops. 

 I jump in the mud. 


Letters to practice – m, u, v, w, k, o 

Write words – spin, but, shin, chin, quit 

Practice all sounds verbally especially special friends ch, sh and th


 Maths for today - 

I am learning to create a repeating pattern. 

You have all worked so hard this week at continuing a repeating pattern.  Today I would like you to create your own repeating pattern.  Use this site Pattern Blocks | Manipulatives | Coolmath4Kids to make your own.  An adult can then screen shot your pattern and send it to me.  Have fun! 


Literacy/topic work for today - 

I am learning to write a sentence. 

Look at the attached template and then talk about the story.  Either using the template or just writing the headings, children should have a go at writing what happened in the story in each section.  This is to be completed over 2 days.  Children should try and write 2 sentences for each section and try and use the words ‘the’ and ‘and’.  Children may wish to draw a picture to go with each section.



Looking at the Eatwell plate again, children will be learning about proteins, milk and dairy foods and how these keep us healthy.  Have a look in your cupboards at home and see which foods you have at home that will give you energy.  Take a picture and send it in to either or 

‘Proteins (beans, meat, fish etc.) help our muscles grow’ –  use an action to remember these feel muscles in one arm. 

‘Milk and dairy foods (cheese, yoghurt etc.) make our bones and teeth stronger’ – use an action to remember these show a toothy smile. 

Another fantastic day from all the children working from home ๐ŸŒŸ
