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I can use my understanding of words to create my own vocabulary like Roald Dahl.


‘Here is the repulsant snozzcumber!’ cried the BFG, waving it about.
‘I squiggle it! I mispise it!’
‘I dispunge it! But because I is refusing to gobble up human beans like the other giants, I must spend my life guzzling up icky-poo snozzcumbers instead!’

Extract from The BFG by Roald Dahl.


Roald Dahl loves playing with words and inventing new ones!
For The BFG, Roald Dalh created Gobblefunk, a collection of 238 new words. Although they did not all make it into the final version, these words did:


Humplecrimp                          swallomp                           crumpscoddle       


                          fizzwiggler                     gumfrog


Can you invent at least 3 new words of your own by putting one words from the first group with a word from the second group? Do not forget to say what your invented words means. Use what you already know about the words to create your new meaning.


As a example you could make

‘wibbleberry’ - A berry made from jelly.



Now try inventing a word of your own and include it in a sentence.


My invented word is: ____________________________________


My sentence is: _____________________________________________________________


