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Helpful hints to keep your child safe whilst they spend time online

Keeping children safe and happy

As a school we expect that all members of the school community will continue to follow the Acceptable Use policy, the Social Media policy, the Positive Behaviour policy and Class Charters for Online Safety. At Northern we pride ourselves on the key values of respect, responsibility and friendship.


Staying safe online 

Keeping children safe online has never been more important. As children spend time at home, perhaps with increased access to the internet it's vital that we keep them safe from online exploitation. Click here for guidance and activities to help children safe online. 


To help you support your child to keep safe online there is a lot of advice on the 'Online Safety' page of the website within the Parents tab.


Furthermore, CEOP - Child Exploitation and Online Protection -  have created a package  to help you support children and families during COVID-19 school closures, online safety at home.

Each fortnight, CEOP will be releasing new home activity packs with simple 15 minute activities you can do with your child to support their online safety at a time when they will spending more time online at home.

There are separate packs for children of different ages. 


More resources to help with staying safe online

Here are some further resources, including interactive games from Coram Life Education, designed to help children stay safe online.

Click on each of the plan for activities along with guidance to help you get the most out of each game.

It's a Puzzle

Picture Wise

Traffic Lights


Further websites recommended by for parents and carers to keep their children safe online includes:


Practical support that's available for reporting harmful or upsetting content as well as bullying and online abuse:

Harmful or upsetting content

Get support by:

  • reporting harmful online content to the UK Safer Internet Centre
  • getting government advice and trusted resources from Educate Against Hate on safeguarding from radicalisation, building resilience to extremism, and promoting shared values

Bullying or abuse online

You can:
