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Summer 2 Week 6 Overview

Hello everyone!


Well here we are on Week 6 of our second half of the Summer Term!  The weeks seem to be going so fast despite them being very different to the usual school Summer Term.  I have to say I hope the weather puts in a better effort for us this week as we were all a bit soggy by Friday!  


It was really nice to be back in school last week with the Year 1 team. We may not have had all of the children in but it was lovely to see and spend time with the children that were and we hope they enjoyed being back in school with some of their friends.  We are in school again this week with the second Year 1 'bubble' and can't wait to see them!  I will still be checking emails and work from those of you still at home and will be on the website daily as usual but just may not be able to reply as quickly.  


So, what are we doing then?  Well, this week is 'Transition Week' for school.  This would normally mean we would be doing lots of activities in school where you could think about your year that you have almost completed and your successes and also spend some time getting to know your new teacher for September.  As this is not possible in the current situation, your 'topic' tasks for this week have all been designed in school to have a 'transition theme'.  It would be really useful if you could email me these tasks (just photos of your work is fine) that you complete as I can send them on to Mrs Baron so that she can find out some things about you and see what beautiful neat workers you are!  The children in school with me will be completing the same tasks too so I will be able to pass these onto Mrs Baron too.  You also have maths from BBC Bitesize as usual and Literacy from the Lancashire plans.  More details are linked below.  


Have a great week everyone, I can't wait to see your brilliant work!


Mrs E yes
