Good afternoon everyone,
What a lovely day it has turned out to be once again! I hope you are all well - I haven't heard from many of you today, perhaps you are all out in the sunshine! Well done to those who have sent me their work in, you make me proud!
Last day tomorrow and then half term! Don't forget to send me your message photographs if you haven't already!
Friday tomorrow!
Mrs E x
Hello my lovely gang!
Hope you are all well and ready for another lovely day! You are using the maths lesson on BBC Bitesize for today and following the Lancashire plan for your Literacy work alongside Reading Eggs and Mathletics (as long as they work!). I have set you a geography style lesson today for your topic work - looking at a map of Blackpool Zoo and designing your own! I hope you have fun doing this task - make it as individual as you want to, if you like it could be a really unusual zoo for imaginary creatures like dragons and unicorns, or maybe a zoo for forgotten animals like dinosaurs and dodos?
Remember the other daily tasks too - have you been following Harold with his daily diary?
Big thank you to Elsie, Brody N, Harriet, Sam, Lottie and Isabelle for sending me their fab photographs yesterday to go onto our Year 1 webpage - they look fab and it was so lovely getting to see your smily faces! If you haven't sent me your photo yet, don't worry there is plenty of time and I will keep adding the pictures on as I receive them
Ok my lovelies, have a great day - I can't wait to see what work you create today!
Mrs E x
Hi Year one, love the photographs of you on the website this morning!
I have gone through all your Quiz answer sheets – you all did amazing! You are such a clever group! There was one person who got every question correct……… the winner is Isabel W!! Well done Isabel! The rest of you were so close! I was very impressed with your answers! You all got the question about which activity I liked the most correct – of course it was craft!! As you all did so well I will have a chocolate treat for you all when we get back to class – well done everyone!
Just a little task for you today – it looks like its going to be a nice day again so when your outside can you draw me a picture of a creepy crawly you find – it could be a caterpillar, beetle or spider. If you could write down where you found it that would be great!
I’m trying to grow some new plants at the moment – I have a little mini green house and yesterday I found that a snail had got in there and munched through lots of my sunflowers! How cheeky its that!! Very naughty! Took a picture of him and moved him to the bottom of the garden – lets hope he is very slow and doesn’t get back to my plants today!
Hope you have a lovely day! Mrs Ball