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Week 7 Day 5

Good afternoon to you all!


Well we made it!  Half term has arrived.  I hope you all manage to have a lovely break from work and that the weather is kind to us all so that we can spend lots of time out in the fresh air (following the 2m rules of course!)  


There will not be any online learning set now until Tuesday 2nd June but if you want some tasks to do you can always continue with the daily task that I usually set such as going on reading Eggs and Mathletics (just choose some activities that you would like to do if you have completed all set work) and practicing your phonics sounds in reading and writing.  You could write a diary about each day of half term to keep your writing skills going too, but if you want to simply switch off and have a complete break then that is fine too! Send me some pictures of the fun things that you get up to over half term and I will create a "Half Term Fun" section on the website so that we can all see what each other have been up to!


Have a fantastic half term Year 1, make sure that you keep washing those hands and stay safe.  Hopefully it won't be too much longer until we all see each other again, but we can only do that when it is as safe as possible to do so.  Mrs Dixon, Mrs Ball, Mrs Holt and I miss you all so much.


Take care,


Mrs E heart

Good morning!  


Happy Friday everyone!  We have reached the end of another week already!  I can't believe it is half term next week?  It really doesn't seem like 5 minutes ago that we were all back to learning after the Easter holidays does it?  I'm really proud of those of you who are logging on every day and keeping your learning going and I would like to say "Well done!" to your grown ups for helping you find your work online and helping you when you need it as well as doing all of the other things that they have to do!  I think all us parent grown-ups have learned the true meaning of multitasking this lockdown!cheeky


So today as well as the usual maths and Literacy I have given you a story about Harold the giraffe today - he is learning to ride his bike!  Ask a grown up to read it to you and then I have given you some questions to answer in sentences.  If you look on the question sheet you will see I have started the first sentence for you so that you know how to do the rest. yes


heartThis week's Shooting Star goes to Zac (and his Mum) for continuing to work hard every week and developing his determination to keep going even when he is finding things hard.  Well done Zac! heart


Don't forget there is still time to send in your message photographs for the Year 1 webpage yes


Have a great day everyone,


Mrs E x



Hi all – it’s Friday again and nearly half term! laugh


I’ve really enjoyed seeing your emails over the last few weeks you are producing some fantastic work! 


It has been a very strange time over the last few months but could you tell me today a few things that you’ve done at home that you have enjoyed.


Here are a few of mine…..


I have done a lot of painting in the house!! You all know how much I like painting! I must admit painting the doors and walls is no where near as much fun as painting pictures with you kids, but I’ve still enjoyed it.

I’ve tried to grow some plants from seed. I’ve tried to grow Sunflowers and Sweet Peas. The plants are growing well apart from the ones the naughty snail munched the other day!

I had a go at baking bread. My mum is really good at bread making so I thought I would have a go! I made a little loaf which was ok but my bread cakes looked a bit like stones! No where near as good as my mums but I still enjoyed having a go – just think I might need a bit more practice!

I would love to hear what you’ve been doing – if there’s something new you’ve tried or something you really enjoyed. You could either draw me a picture or take a photo and it would me amazing if you could write me a couple of sentences about it. laugh


I hope you have a fantastic half term! Fingers crossed the sun keeps shining, Mrs Ball smiley



