Good morning my little cherubs!
I was so excited to see your cheery little faces and hear about what you've got up to over the Christmas holidays but alas, we must stay home and stay safe.
Today's learning will be on this webpage but after today, we will go back to Teams and live lessons.
We are going to be using Purple Mash, Reading Eggs and Mathletics today. If you need the log in for any of these, please email me at
Tasks for today, I recommend sticking to the time frame as much as possible.
9am - wake up, shake up with supermovers
Follow this link
9.15am - Literacy
Head over to Purple Mash, I've set a task for you.
10.15am - break
10.30am - Guided Read
Reading Eggs - I've set you a task today.
11am - Maths
Mathletics - I've set a task for you.
12am - 1pm - Lunch
1pm - 3pm - Topic
Science today! This is such a GREAT topic!
Head over to Purple Mash, I've set you a task for Science.
If you need anything at all, please email me at
Stay safe. We miss you.