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Special announcements

Well Year 3! It is time for our special announcements before the weekend comes again!

I love this part - let's celebrate all your achievements this week!


First up... super readers!

Sam has earned his Silver on Map 12! Well done! He has also finished the whole reading eggs program! Way to go!

Ellie, Jackson, Lily, Max B and Hannah have all earned a bronze this week! 

Very impressive guys! 

Your certificates are below!

Our Maths champions 

Sam, Jackson and Miley N have all earned a bronze this week! 

Hannah has managed 2 bronze certificates!

Great effort there guys. 

Your certificates are below.


Shooting Star


Year 3, I hope you understand how hard this is every week! I'm so impressed with so many of you and all the work you have been sending in! You should be proud of yourselves too! Now, this week, our shooting star has sent in some wonderful work! He has clearly tried very hard with his presentation and made sure he had entertaining content! He has also sent in a video of his reaction when he found out you lot have to put up with me for another year! Our star this week is... Ollie! 


If you have any questions about next year, just ask your mummy or daddy to email them in to me and I'll try and answer them as best I can! 


Don't forget to log on and sing our song of the week at 3pm if you have time!


Here's to a wonderful weekend, I will be celebrating the fact I know I have a wonderful class to look forward to in September! 
