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Friday 29th January

Good morning Reception Class.  Well done on another week of learning from home.  

Phonics for today - 

Nip and Chip -  

Read all of the book and then write overview of what happened following the pictures in simple sentences (eg Jump on a ship.  Go on a trip.  Hit a croc.  Jump off the log.) 

Letters to practice – p, u, v, r, w, f 

Cat Flap -  


Letters to practice – p, u, v, r, w, f 


Hold a sentence - Remember capital letter, finger spaces and full stops. 

 A fat cat in a flap. 


Letters to practice – p, u, v, r, w, f 

Write words – with, ship, shush, thin, frog 

Practice all sounds verbally especially special friends ch, sh and th 

 Maths for today - 

I am learning to create a repeating pattern. 

Today I would like you to experiment with making patters using objects at home.  These could be lego, fruit, different shaped pastas or even your toys.  Think about different ways you can categorise them and make patters from them.  Explain to a grown up how the patterns work and see if they can continue your pattern. 


Literacy/topic - 

Today you will be continuing your written retelling of the story Handa's Surprise.  Children should try and write 2 sentences for each section and try and use the words ‘the’ and ‘and’.  Children may wish to draw a picture to go with each section.



Looking at the Eatwell plate again, children will be learning about vegetables and fruit and how these keep us healthy. 

Have a look in your cupboards at home and see which foods you have at home that will give you energy.  Take a picture and send it in to either or 

Vegetables and fruit make us healthy all over’ – draw a big circle in the air to represent the body feeling healthy all over. 
