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8.2.21 Remote Learning

This week's spelling:

Log on to PurpleMash for the spelling quiz.

Morning maths 

This morning we'll be looking at the 4 times table - log into Mathletics where you'll have a new activity all about counting up in 4s.

Literacy - Debate texts

Carrying on with our debate texts, we're going to look at paragraphs and identifying points. I've put an example of a debate text below;


So, let's 'box up' the paragraphs and get the main idea out of each of them. 


1st Paragraph;

Introduction, are footballers paid too much? Many have huge wages, do they deserve it?


2nd Paragraph:

Footballers have to train hard and keep fit, they can't eat whatever they want.

Side: Footballers should be paid lots.


3rd Paragraph:

Other people who work hard, like nurses and especially hard-working and long-suffering teachers, earn much less.

Side: Footballers shouldn't be paid lots.


4th Paragraph:

Football clubs earn lots of money from games and it's fair for footballers to have a share.

Side: Footballers should be paid lots.


4th Paragraph:

All that money could be better spent by the clubs on helping people.

Side: Footballers shouldn't be paid lots.


5th Paragraph:

The conclusion, deciding which side is right - here that they shouldn't be paid as much.


I want you to do exactly the same for the text below - what is each paragraph's point, and which side is it on?

Maths - Mental subtraction

A couple of tricks to help you do take away sums in your head.


An easy one to do - 'Back to the ten!'


For 53 - 8, let's jump back 3 to 50. That means we've only 5 left to take away from 50, which your number bonds to 10 will tell you goes to 45.


Another example:

Split 6 into 2 and 4, then we can take away 2 to get to 70, then 4 to get to 66.


Another is partitioning.



This only works if the unit in the number you're taking away is smaller than the first number!


Another good one - count on.

If the number are really close, you can count on from the smaller number to find the difference - this is the same as subtractng.

21 - 19

How many do you have to count to get from 19 to 21?


19 + 1 = 20 + 1 = 21


However many  times you had to count up 1 is the answer, so because we counted on two times the answer is two.


Have a look on Mathletics for "Magic Mental Subtraction"! Which of these strategies could you use in your head?

Science - soil

Today we'll be answering two important scientific questions - how is soil made and are there different types of soil?


Have a look at the clip and activities below:


You need a blank A4 sheet of paper. Put it landscape, then fold it in half so you have two equal sides to write on.

On one half, we're answering "How is soil formed?"

On the other, "What different types of soil are there?"

A couple of key bits of vocab you'll need to use;







