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Snow Day 10/03/2023

Good morning Year 1!  Today we won’t be learning in the classroom but you will still be able to learn from home!  Below you will find all the work which you will need to complete from home today.  To support you with your learning,

Mrs Whitford and Mrs French can be contacted by emailing them at and 


Here is your learning for the day - 


Measuring in cm.

Numbers to 50.


Writing sentences from Red Riding Hood

Practise this week's spellings

Reading activities

Read book from Oxford Owls 

ArtDraw a portrait of someone in your family, using any drawing media you like, eg pencil, pen, felt tip, crayon, etc



See the links below to find the resources.

Live phonic sessions will take place and the link for your group will be emailed to parents.


If you are stuck with anything then please use the emails above and please send all completed work to Mrs Whitford.


Golden time is time in the snow!

Maths - use a ruler or tape measure to measure the chocolate bars on the sheet. Measure objects around the home to see how tall or long they are. Draw pictures of the objects you have measured and record the measurement in centimetres.


Complete the number lines using numbers up to 50.

Reading - read your school book. Read the book on Oxford Owl which Mrs Egan set for you this week.


Phonics o-e words.

Spellings - Practise your spellings from this week and write some sentences using the words you have been practising to spell.
