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Summer 2 Week 5 Friday

Good afternoon everyone, I hope you've had a great day? 


It was lovely seeing some of you this morning on our Zoom call; well done to Sophia for winning our competition. It was amazing seeing you all busy writing, I've missed that so much!


The rain hasn't stopped all day. Me and Lucas got very wet earlier taking Flynn out but at least we got some fresh air.


I hope you all have a wonderful weekend,

Take care

Mrs Hill


Good morning everyone; it's Friday again! I'm being spoilt this morning, Lucas has got up to make my breakfast!


I'm looking forward to seeing everyone who has booked on our Zoom call at 10.30am.


Today you are going to be a presenter! Using your research from yesterday you will be providing a commentary about big cats. Ask your grown-up to send me a video.

Maths challenges today.

Topic is investigating sources of energy; let’s hope you’ve not run out of energy today!


Today's challenge:


Have a good day everyone!


Mrs Hill
