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Special Announcements

Good afternoon!

Here we are… the last day of term.

Before you all go off to enjoy a well-deserved break, I would like you to know how incredibly proud I am of all your efforts during our period of remote learning. I would like to give a big thank you to and your parents for your support during these uncertain times. It’s been a challenge but we’ll soon be back to a bit more normal in September. Miss Collins and I can’t wait!


I have explained that I’ll be placing pictures of our new routine and new classroom on the website the week before we return to school so you can have a good look before getting your uniform on for the first time in months!


Okay, you know me… I could blabber on all day. So.. let’s start celebrating! As you know, this is my favourite part!


Firstly, let’s have a huge round of applause for our super mathematicians

Jackson has managed to achieve a gold, silver and bronze!

Hannah, Sam and Jack have gained a bronze


Super job guys! Very impressed!

Secondly, let’s have a hug round of applause for our super readers!

Jack gained a silver reading map award on Reading Eggs


Sam, Ellie, Jackson, Isla, Max B and Hannah have all earned a bronze certificate this week


Jackson, Max B and Isla have earned a silver!


Extremely impressed guys! Very well done to you all. Super proud of those silvers. They’re very hard to get!

Thirdly, let’s celebrate some birthdays!

It’s Isla’s birthday today!

It’s Max B’s birthday in 3 days!

It’s Jack’s birthday in 4 days!

And Zak and I are birthday buddies on 10th August!


So let’s sing at the top of our lungs!


Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday dear Isla and Max and Jack and Zak

Happy birthday to you!


Hope you all have lots of fun and gets lots of presents!


Wishing you all the fun and happy times in the world during the six week holidays and I will see your smiley faces again on Wednesday 2nd September!


Miss you all lots and lots!
