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Overview for Week 7

Wow!  Week 7 everyone!  


It's me, Mrs Egan back again this week to run Week 7 online.  I saw lots of fantastic work on here from last week that you did for Mrs Dixon - well done, it isn't easy learning at home, I know my girls Izzy and Liv are missing school and their friends, it just isn't the same at home is it? I know it is hard so I am really proud of all of you who are doing your best with your parents to keep your working attitudes positive.  


You will find my weekly overview link below as usual and the link for the Literacy activities from Lancashire that we will be using.  We are using a mixture of lessons from BBC Bitesize daily lessons and some lessons that I have put together as well this week so check the timetable each day.  Remember, if you are struggling to fit everything in, the DAILY TASKS for maths and phonics/reading eggs are most important for keeping your skills fresh, remember it is all about doing what you can and what is manageable....try your best just like you would in school yes


Any worksheets or extra information that you might need for the daily tasks will be added to each individual day's page so check in there for the additional bits and pieces each day.


I will keep updating the Reading Eggs Certificates and Mathletics Certificates folders too throughout the week so have a look at all of the Year 1 achievements!


Have a great week everyone, if you need me send me an email to and I will get back to you as soon as I can!


Mrs E heart
