Good afternoon everyone,
How amazing was it seeing us on Zoom? Even Mrs Grumpy had a smile on her face (if you were in the first group Mrs Stinky was replaced by Mrs Grumpy). I have arranged another date for our next Zoom meetings; 3rd July. I have emailed all your grown-ups with the date, if you have not received an email just send me a quick message and I will get back to you. I have loved seeing your photos and videos over the past few weeks but to actually talk to you in person was fantastic. You look like you've grown so much and were keen to show gaps from missing teeth; I think you've been keeping the Tooth Fairy busy!
Enjoy the rest of the afternoon, until tomorrow
Mrs Hill
Good morning everyone, it's a sunny Monday morning. We've got our Zoom calls this morning, are you excited? If you haven't received your details to sign up let me know before 9.30am and I'll add you to a group.
What are your tasks today? In Literacy you are starting a new topic about bears. You are going to create a non-fiction text; cast your minds back to when we wrote a non-chronological report.
In Maths you will be measuring length and height. Remember you need to start at the first line on your ruler rather than the very end of the ruler.
Today’s topic is learning about a famous person; this person changed the healthcare we receive for the better! You may recognise her name from recent hospitals.
I know you really enjoyed last week's work so I'm looking forward to seeing today's work.
Today's challenge:
Have a good day everyone, I'll see some of you soon on Zoom!
Mrs Hill