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Week 7 Tuesday

Good afternoon Year 2, it's finally stopped raining! Me and Lucas got wet earlier when we took Flynn for a walk but it's feeling much nicer now.


I've loved getting the photos of your work today; you know how much Mrs Hill loves arrays in Maths and I'm really liking your facts and posters about birds. We've got lots visiting our garden at the moment so I've been following your rules of keeping quiet.


Enjoy the rest of the day, until tomorrow

Mrs Hill

Good morning Year 2, it looks another grey and dreary day here so let's keep our fingers crossed the sun makes an appearance today.


Your tasks today are making a poster about birds; how will you make it bright and eye-catching? Multiplication and arrays (we're really good at those) on BBC Bitesize and learning about one of the continents for Topic on BBC Bitesize. We already know lots about Australia so it will be interesting to see what else you find out. Don't forget your allocated lesson on  Reading Eggs.


We've still got a hungry caterpillar here! I'm checking the pot constantly as the two that are chrysalis cannot hatch while they're still in the pot as they would not have enough room to move about so this last caterpillar needs to hurry up and make its chrysalis.


Today's challenge:


Have a good day, I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon


Mrs Hill
