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Summer 2 week 3 Wednesday

The end of another day! I can’t believe how quick today has gone. It was so nice to speak to some of you today on our zoom chats. You all look like you have grown- all the sunshine and showers đŸ˜‚ Thank you for the work that you have sent. I will upload to the website. Have a lovely evening. I am in school tomorrow and Friday so busy busy! I might see some of you! 
Mrs Dixon


Good morning everyone, Happy Wednesday!! I received an email yesterday about joining in with coram education and sending pictures to Harold the giraffe. I thought we could do this as our challenge of the day...The theme is our caring Community. It can be pictures, writing or a poems. What about a special area the community takes care of, something that has happened over the last few weeks, a community group like Brownies, a memory from a community gathering...they will be displayed this Friday o the deadline is 5pm Thursday to send to me and I’ll forward them. I hope you can dodge the showers forecast for today. I’m looking forward to ‘seeing’ you later for our zoom chats! 
Mrs Dixon 

Yay Zoom!!!  


Mrs E laughheartyes


Good morning Year 1 laugh Did you all hear the rain and thunder yesterday?


I have another Purplemash task for you today – can you design a fantastic ice-cream?

- Login to PurpleMash

- In search type Ice Cream

- Click on the Ice Cream icon

- Click Launch App


Lets see who can create the most delicious looking ice-cream! Yum, yum, yum!


Hopefully I will get to see some of you on Zoom later today! smiley

Enjoy your day, Mrs Ball
