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Reading and Writing Tasks

For our Literacy work I would like you to work on some of your RWI sounds.  Below I will write down which sounds I would like each group to use (if your child can't remember their group it will be the same colour as their reading book or you can email/Class Dojo me to check).  For each sound can you think of 5 words that have that sound in them and write them down?  Then can you put some of those words into sentences for me?  Remember - Capital letter - fred-talk - finger spaces - full stop - check!  Good luck!


Red group = sh ch 

Green group = ch ay

Purple Group = ay ee

Pink Group = ea oi

Yellow group = oi a-e

Please also log into Oxford Owl and complete this week's reading task and quiz if you haven't already!  If you are super keep you could also go on Reading Eggs!  I have your logins!


Mrs E 
