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Thursday 25th February

Good morning reception Class.  Today we will be thinking about The Very Hungry Caterpillar again.


Here is today's learning - 


Maths - 

I am learning to identify the number which is one more than and one less than. 

Today we will continue to look at numbers which are one more than and one less than a given number.  Help the helicopter land rescue the people. 

Chopper Squad More or Less - Mental Maths Game - 5 to 7 Year Olds (


Literacy/topic - 

Can you think of any other animals which look different when they grow up? 

Have a look at Fearless Freya and see how she changed from a tadpole to a frog. 

BBC iPlayer - Garden Tales - Series 1: 11. Fearless Freya 

I would like you to have a go at making the life cycle of a frog, just like you did with the butterfly earlier in the week. 

Here is a picture to help you; you could draw it or make it using items from around the house. 


Phonics - 

